中学校1年生のUSコースには、US Questというコース独自の探究学習の授業があります。1学期の前半はブータンとオンラインで繋ぎ、現地の人々にインタビューを行うことを目的に、ブータンについての事前学習を行ってきました。今日は元JICA海外協力隊員でブータンに派遣されていた田口稔様にご講演をいただきました。事前にいただいた豊富な資料や映像で予習を重ねていたこともあり、質疑応答の時間はチャイムが鳴っても質問が相次ぎました。来月のインタビューをひかえて、ブータンの人々の生業や考え方に触れる、貴重な機会となりました。
The first graders from Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan Junior High School`s Universal Studies Course (US Course) attended an interactive and original presentation from Mr. Taguchi of JICA. In the first half of the semester, the US Course students made a link with with representatives from Bhutan through an online connection, however this time around Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan invited Mr. Taguchi to present to the students in person in order to learn about Bhutan in person. Mr. Taguchi acts as a representative of JICA through his extensive travel, and experience of living in Bhutan for many years. The US Course students learnt about many of Bhutan`s wonders, it's inner culture workings, school life as a Bhutanese child, as well as issues with the internet and the differences in phone plans. Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan Junior High School US Course students were very inquisitive, and asked Mr. Taguchi has an array of questions relating to earthquake experiences, transport systems, exchange rates, geography, local wildlife, and more. The US Course students asked questions well beyond the end of our regular classes, and hope to meet Mr. Taguchi and JICA in the future.